Roskilde, DK 2021

Public - 1st prize, invited competition

Cornelius Vöge (lead consultant), Gründl Haahr Arkitekter, MASU PLANNING, JL Engineering A/S

30.000 m2 park 19.000 m2 buildings

Roskilde Kommune, Boligselskabet Sjælland

On hold

Byens Haver (Gardens of the City) is the masterplan for urban renewal of the south-western part of Roskilde, including Roskildes´ largest public housing area, Æblehaven/Rønnebærparken. 

The vision is to integrate and open the neighbourhood and to improve the conditions for local community building. It is rooted in a political ambition to enhance social balance and sustainability in the overall city development.   

The project includes renewal of more than 30.000 m2 park, new housing, allotment gardens, community house, restaurant, healthcare centre, day care centre and new traffic and parking solutions.  

By introducing gardens as a new neighbourhood identity, Byens Haver (Gardens of the City) highlights the green character of Roskilde South-West as a large residential and recreational area. The masterplan includes strategies on how to involve residents and other stakeholders in unfolding Byens Haver as its new identity. It points out a range of activities to promote local community and partnerships in order to make the area more lively and attractive to all.   

The architectural strategy is to bridge the physical gap between well-kept small private allotment gardens and the large public housing units surrounded by lawns belonging to nobody. The masterplan therefore introduces a new scale of buildings and gardens as the missing link needed to integrate the neighbourhood and to improve its urban qualities.   

New wood buildings and community gardens in the centre will interpret characteristics of the allotment gardens and allow the sanctuary feel and community spirit from here to flow into the daily life of the whole neighbourhood.  

A system of new paths will connect all public functions in the area and lead from Roskilde city centre through Byens Haver to the green ring of forests, lakes, fjord and fjord landscapes around Roskilde.  





