Atelier for Arkitektur

Hedegade 1
4000 Roskilde
T: +45 2290 0695

Medlem af Danske Ark
Medlem af Green Building Council Denmark


CORNELIUS VÖGE – Atelier for Architecture was established in 2006 by Danish architects Nanna Vöge and Dan Cornelius. The studio now has 15-20 employees and has won several international and national competitions.

The studio is recognised for its narrative Nordic architecture and modern interpretations of the Danish-Nordic architectural tradition. It has built a number of award-winning buildings  and received several awards for its practice. The studio was the first to be honored with the Halldor Gunnløgssons Fonds Hæderslegat in architecture:


”Through their persistent development of a clear set of values
and an undisputed decency in building designs
they have accomplished to sharpen their artistic contribution so well
that the studio today appears as
one of our best interpreters of the Danish-Nordic architectural heritage.”



The studio offers strategic client consultancy and long-lasting architectural solutions to public and private clients.

Within planning, preservation and development of cultural heritage, transformation of existing buildings, reconstruction and new building, we advise and provide solutions for our clients from early-stage analyses, stakeholder and user involvement, ideation and sketching to completed project.



To us, architecture is a communicative form of art. Buildings have stories they want to tell and context is key to the narrative of all landscapes and buildings we develop, design, transform and build. From early ideation and sketching to finished buildings; the local, physical, historical, social-cultural and organisational contexts are thoroughly analysed and carefully considered in all parts of our process.

The use of existing ressources and reuse of materials is not at style of architecture to us. It is integrated  in our proces of creating architecure that can stand the passing of time and being used by generations to come. We consider architecture as the added value to all kinds of building, urban and landscape planning. Architecture increases the keeping quality and total value of all projects and with focus on quality and lasting solutions with low carbon impact, sustainability is a natural and integrated part of the way we work.



The studio has expertise in planning and building  recreational, cultural and educational use, social and health care purpose and creating third places within building typologies and urban developments. We have a special expertise in creating shared spaces functioning as meeting places and streghtening diversity, local and social structures. Current the office is hosting an PHD related to planning of third places with analysis of what is working and how we develop and implement methods for creating valuable meeting places in our buildings and communities.



We  offer strategic client consultancy and high quality sustainable architectural solutions to public and private clients. DGNB counseling, LCA/LCC analysis, integration of circular solutions and use of low-impact mono materials are among the technical sustainability tools we use. Each building being considered for long lasting use and second life flexibility for disassembly and reuse.

Climatic impact of buildings is complex. Each layer of the buildings needs certain skills in order to fulfill their function. We see building as a long term testament to future generations with each layer being able to be changed adapting to needs of future users. Stuff like kitchens and lamps being changed a lot and structures like concrete and wood being change almost like never. The climatic impact of a building is therefore focused om long life spands for those layers that are almost never being changed. And low-impact solutions for those layers to be changed more often in order to relate and to serve the users.  We therefore work with differentiated Life-Cycle Assesments (LCA)  in order to create the most resilient solutions for our building but still with a focus on low-impact solutions.


Stewart Brand “ How buildings Learn”, Penguin Books, 1994.





Hovedstadens Forskønnelse Bygningspræmiering, Frederiksberg Svømmehal, 2025
Årets Arne 2024, shortlisted, Frederiksberg Svømmehal, 2025
Mies van der Rohe Awards, Nomination, H. C. Andersens Hus, 2023

Odense Municipality Architectural Prize, H. C. Andersens Hus, 2023
Odinprisen, H.C. Andersens Hus, 2022
Viborg Municipality Architectural Prize, De Fem Halder, 2022
Silkeborg Municipality Architectural Prize, honourable pr., GCCG Visitor Centre, 2021
World Architecture Festival Award, shortlisted, Health, Livsrum Herlev, 2021
The Halldor Gunnløgsson Architectural Award 2018
Danish Arts Foundation, grant 2017
RENOVER prisen, Landsbyen i Skolen, 2017

Tyndpladegruppens Arkitekturpris, Shortlisted, North Atlantic House, 2016
Nykredit Motivationspris 2015
LEAF Award, Shortlisted best mixed-use bldg., North Atlantic House, 2014
Odense Municipality Architectural Prize, North Atlantic House, 2014
Odinprisen, North Atlantic House, 2014
RENOVER prisen 2013, Shortlisted – Best refurbishment, Poplen youth club
Danish Arts Foundation, Grant, 2012
Roskilde Municipality Architectural Prize, Villa Marstrand-Wadt 2009
Danish Crafts, Grant, 2007
Danish Arts Foundation, 3-year grant, 2006-2008
Danish Arts Foundation, Grant, 2004
Danish Arts Foundation, Grant, 2003



1. pr., Church Hall in Nærheden, DK 2023,
1. pr., Bagsværd – ny bykvarter på Ringbogrunden, DK 2023, not built
1. pr., Sortebrødre Plads Housing, Klosterhaverne, Roskilde, DK 2022
1. pr., Roskilde Sydvest, Byens Haver, DK 2021
1. pr., Nyt liv i gamle haller, Frederiksberg, LOA, DK 2020, not built
2. pr., Parish Centre Ullerød, DK 2019
1. pr., Townhouses Hyrdehøj, DK 2018
1. pr., Livsrum Cancer counselling centre, Realdania, Herlev, DK 2017
1. pr., Water culture house and Harbour bath Papirøen, CPH, DK 2017
1. pr., H. C. Andersen Museum,  Odense, DK 2016
2. pr., Nursery Homes Hyrdehøj, DK 2016
1. pr., De fem Hald’er, Viborg, DK 2016
1. pr., Skousbo town planning, open competition, Viby Sj., DK 2015
1. pr., Landsbyen i Skolen, Nr. Vium, LOA, Ringkøbing, DK 2014
1. pr., Daycare Frederikssundsvej, Brønshøj, DK 2013
Purchase, City development plan, open competition, Klaksvik, FA 2012
Purchase, Ålesund Harbourside,  open competition, NO 2011
1. pr.,  North Atlantic House, Odense, DK 2011
2. pr., Køge Kyst planning, DK 2010
2. pr., Housing in Ålandsgadekarrén, CPH, open competition, DK 2010
1. pr., Byens Ø, planning, Odense, open competition, DK 2010
1. pr., Hatlehol Church, Ålesund, open competition, NO, 2009, not built



“Arkitekten”, no. 04, 2024, Ark. Forlag, Julemærkefondens Hus
‘”A Guide to Danish Architecture”, Akademisk Arkitektforening, 2023, HCA and Poplen
“50 Buildings – Danish Architetecture 2016-2022, Ark. Forlag, HCA and Nr. Vium Skole
“Arkitekten”, no 01, 2023, Ark. Forlag, De Fem Hald’er
“Arkitekten”, no 5 2022, Ark. forlag, H.C. Andersens Hus
“Religious Facilities”, 2021, Loft Publications, Selected projects
“Arkbyg”, no 33 2021, Licitationen, “Historien skal have en rolle i den gode arkitektur”, Portrait.
“Arkitekten”, no 4 2020, Ark. forlag, Nr. Virum skole
“Positioner i ny dansk arkitektur”, 2019, Strandberg Publishing, Cornelius Vöge – Atelier for Arkitektur
“Red – Architecture in Monochrome”, 2018, Phaidon Editors, Poplen
“Louis Kahn i Danmark”, 2018, A Mock Book, Hestetorvet toiletbygning
“Arkitekten”, no 1 2018, Ark. forlag, Vindinge Sognehus
“News in NORDIC Architecture”, 2017, Archipress M, selected projects
“A New Golden Age – NORDIC Architecture and Landscape”, 2015, Archipress M, selected projects
“Atlas of European Architecture”, 2015, Braun publishing, North Atlantic House
“Arkitekten”, no 6 2014, Ark. forlag, portrait and selected projects
“COMPETITIONS”, 2010, Monsa Publi., ESP
“Nye Enfamiliehuse”, 2010, Ark. forlag, Villa Petersen og Villa Marstrand Wadt
“Arkitektur DK”, no 3 2010, Villa Petersen og Villa Marstrand Wadt
“50 Award Winning House”, 2010, LST Publishing House, CH.
“Liv i parcelhuset”, 2009, Sommer & Baadsgärd, Villa Marstrand-Wadt
“SPACES Magaz. UK”, no 23 2008, Villa Marstrand-Wadt
“Eget Hus”, 2003, Christoffer Harlang and Finn Monies, Ark. forlag
“Arkitektur DK”, no 3 2003, Eget Hus
“Enquete, Tegl”, no 4 1998



Dan Cornelius, arkitekt maa.
Royal Academy, School of Architecture, Copenhagen 1999
Member of Kunstnersamfundet 2007-2031
Member of ICOMOS Denmark
Examiner at the School of Architecture in Copenhagen and Århus and Design School of Kolding appointed by Akademiraadet
Jury member Nykredit Foundation Architectural Awards 2021-24
Jury member Rudersdal Municipality Architectural Awards appointed by Arkitektforeningen
Jury member architectural competitions appointed by Danske Ark and Arkitektforeningen

Nanna Vöge, arkitekt maa
Royal Academy, School of Architecture, Copenhagen 1997
ETSAM, Madrid, 1994-95
Mentor for next generation architects – Dreyers Fond and Arkitektforeningen
Co-founder and former chairman of INSP! – social economic organization