Hyrdehøj Town houses

Roskilde, DK 2018-2020

Indb. konkurrence, 1. præmie

Broen Development, Cornelius Vöge, Art-tek Rådgivende Ingeniører

4400 m2

Broen Development


Hyrdehøj is located on the edge of Roskilde and the built urban landscape. The area is characterized by accommodating both elements from the “countryside” and from the town close by. The project aims to complete the main street, Hydrehøj Bygade, by extending the road to the east, thus strengthening the area’s identity. Today Hyrdehøj Bygade appears as a quiet and characterful rural area, with gabled facades facing directly towards the road, with no enclosed front gardens. By extending the road, and referencing the existing architectural qualities of the street, the project strengthens the area’s current identity and completes the village community.

The project emphasizes the rural qualities of the surrounding area around Hydrehøj, with an inner meadow in the center of the houses. This natural area functions as a space to plays and for gatherings. In addition to the meadow, the outdoor areas are divided into small private gardens, semi-private and public zones.

The 35 two-story townhouses are linked together as clusters of 2-5 houses. Each house is emphasized as its own independent building volume by changing roof directions, shifts and set backs in the façade, changing façade colours and level differences between the individual houses.





